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The timetable is as follows:

Time Activity
8.15am Registration and breakfast
9am Ben Meade, Ringfence – Are you ‘Information Fit’ for the modern, digital world?
12.30pm Buffet lunch
1.30pm Peer group discussion of issues raised by attendees on the day
4.30pm Close


Title: Are you ‘Information Fit’ for the modern, digital world?

With the more recent introduction of digital technologies, particularly ‘the Cloud’, ‘big data’, ‘AI’ and associated ‘big tech companies’, we find ourselves entering a new Information Age.

It’s already fundamentally changing how we live, work and relate to one another – characterised by a fusion of technologies that blurs the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres, with information and AI at the heart of it, driving this forward.

Our success, as a species, individuals and organisations, depends upon our ‘information fitness’ – now more than ever. With the introduction and advancement of technology and the governance needs that come with it, if you don’t keep up with the changes you risk falling behind – or worse.

This masterclass explores the global mega-trends behind our new Information Age, the risks and pressures these bring, and how to ensure that you’re in good shape to not only survive but thrive.

Practical take aways:

  • Why information, and being in control of it, is key to all our futures
  • Modern risks & pressures – cloud, cyber, governance, AI, fakes, bias
  • How to identify your information ‘crown jewels’
  • Why understanding your Risk Appetite is increasingly important
  • How to balance investments in information security & technology with your wider priorities, demands and opportunities


Ben Meade is Ringfence’s founder and Managing Director and the creator of Information Fitness®. As a former CIO & IT Director Ben has extensive experience in successfully leading IT/digital/IG functions and major Change Management programmes across a wide range of organisations and sectors.

Ben has a passion for helping organisations and individuals to better understand and get the most out of information and IT/digital in today’s increasingly complex modern world and ensuring that these are – and remain – fully aligned with wider organisational governance, strategy and social responsibilities.

Afternoon Peer Group Session

This is an issue led session from the members themselves. Each owner/director brings their challenge/issue and we work through them. Each issue covered results in agreed actions from the member who raised it and we follow progress at the next subsequent meeting.

Discussions are lively and fun, we are a very trusted group and everything is treated on a confidential basis.

Find out more…

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March 20, 2024
8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Rudding Park Hotel
Rudding Ln
Harrogate, HG3 1JH United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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